CatholicChurch documents

The abbreviations of Roman Congregations and Orders

The lives of monks and nuns in Catholic religious congregations or orders are a form of Consecrated Life, expressed through their voluntary commitment to follow Christ completely, in the particular spirituality and charismatical tradition of the religious order they have chosen.

Catholic monks and nuns, upon taking their religious vows, often add the abbreviation of religious order after their name (e.g., Sr.Helen Alford, OP or Fr. Jacques Philippe, CB...). The abbreviations of Roman congregations usually derive from Latin, English, French, or other languages. The following list provides the meanings of the abbreviations for various religious orders.


AAAugustinians of the Assumption (Assumptionists)
AASCHandmaids of the Blessed Sacrament & of Charity
ACIHandmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
AJApostles of Jesus
ASCAdorers of the Blood of Christ
ASCJApostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
BGSLittle Brothers of the Good Shepherd
BSPBrothers and Sisters of Penance of St. Francis
BVMSisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
CBCommunauté des Béatitudes
CBSSisters of Bon Secours de Paris
CBSCongregation of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
CCRCongregation of Carmelite Religious
CCVISisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
CDPSisters of Divine Providence
CFAAlexian Brothers
CFICCongregation of Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception
CFRFranciscan Friars of the Renewal
CFXCongregation of Xaverian Brothers
CHMCongregation of the Humility of Mary
CICMCongregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
CJJosephite Fathers
CJCSisters of Jesus Crucified
CJMCongregation of Jesus and Mary
CMCongregatio Missionis
CMFMissionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians)
CMICarmelites of Mary Immaculate
CMMCCongregation of Mary Mother of the Church
CMRICongregation of Mary Immaculate Queen
CMSFMissionary Congregation of St. Francis of Assisi
CNDCongrégation Notre-Dame
COCongregation of the Oratory (Oratorians)
CPCongregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ
CPMCongregation of the Fathers of Mercy
CPSMissionary Sisters of the Precious Blood
CRMCongregation of the Mother of the Redeemer
CRSFSisters of St. Francis
CSBCongregation of St. Bridget
CSBCongregation of St. Basil (Basilian Fathers)
CSCCongregation of Holy Cross
CSCSisters of the Holy Cross
CSJCongregation of St. Joseph
CSJSisters of St. Joseph
CSJBSisters of St. John the Baptist
CSJPSisters of St. Joseph of Peace
CSPCongregation of St. Paul (Paulists)
CSRSisters of the Holy Redeemer
CSSpCongregatio Sancti Spiritus
CSsRCongregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists)
CSVBSisters of the Savior and the Blessed Virgin Mary
DCDaughters of Charity
DCSisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul
DCJCarmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus
DDLDaughters of Divine Love
DHMDaughters of the Heart of Mary
DHSDaughters of the Holy Spirit
DIHMDaughters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
DJDaughters of Jesus
DMDaughters of Mary of the Immaculate Conception
DWDaughters of Wisdom
ESABrothers of the Sacred Heart
FCBrothers of Charity
FCJFaithful Companion of Jesus, Sisters
FDCDaughters of Divine Charity
FEHJFranciscan Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
FFSCFranciscan Brothers of the Holy Cross
FIFranciscan of the Immaculate
FICFranciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
FJCongregation of St. John
FMSMarist Brothers
FSSisters of Our Lady of Fatima
FSFDaughters of St. Francis of Assisi
FSFSDaughters of St. Francis of Sales
FSGMSisters of St. George Martyrs
FSMFranciscan Sisters of Mary
FSPDaughters of St. Paul
FSSJFranciscan Sisters of St. Joseph
HCSisters of the Holy Cross
HSCHospitaller Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
ICMMissionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
IHMSisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
LBNLittle Brothers of Nazareth
LCCongregation of the Legionaries of Christ
LSALittle Sisters of the Assumption
LSJLittle Sisters of Jesus
LSMILittle Servants of Mary Immaculate
LSPLittle Sisters of the Poor
MAfrMissionaries of Africa
MCMissionaries of Charity
MFSCMissionary Sons of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
MFVAFranciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word
MGLMissionaries of God’s Love Sisters
MIMinisters of the Infirm
MICCongregation of Marians Immaculate Conception (Marian Fathers)
MIHMMissionaries Immaculate Heart of Mary
MJMissionaries of Jesus
MMCatholic Foreign Mission Society of America (Maryknoll)
MSMarian Sisters
MSMissionaries of Our Lady of LaSalette
MSFCongregation of Missionaries of the Holy Family
MSSMissionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
MSSCMissionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
MSSPMissionary Society of St. Paul
NDCSisters of Our Lady of the Cross
OblSBOblate of St. Benedict
OCOrder of the Carmelites
OCarmOrder of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Carmelites)
OCarmCarmelites of Ancient Observance
OCistOrder of Cistercians
OCDOrder of Discalced Carmelites
OCROrder of Cistercians, Reformed (Trappist)
OCSOOrder of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappists)
ODCCarmelites (Discalced)
OFMOrder of Friars Minor (Franciscans)
OFMCapOrder of Friars Minor Capuchin (Capuchins)
OFMConvOrder of Friars Minor Conventual (Convential Franciscans)
OFMIOrder Friars of Mary Immaculate (Franciscans)
OHHospitallers Brothers of St. John of God
OHFMissionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
OMCOrder of Merciful Christ

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

OMVOblates of the Virgin Mary
OPOrder of Friars Preachers (Dominicans)
OPBOblates of the Precious Blood
OSAOrder of St. Augustine (Augustinians)
OSBOrder of St. Benedict
OSBBenedictine Sisters
OSCrOrder of the Holy Cross
OSFSOrder of St. Francis de Sales
OSJOblates of St. Joseph
OSPOeuvre de Saint Paul
OSSROrder of the Most Holy Redeemer
OSsSBrigittine Monks
OSSTOrder of the Most Holy Trinity and the Ransom of Captives (Trinitarians)
OSUUrsuline Sisters of the Roman Order
OSVUrsuline Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary
PCPoor Clares
PCPAPoor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
PIMEPontifical Institute for Foreign Missions
PMSisters of the Presentation of Mary
PSSSociety of Priests of Saint Sulpice (Sulpitians)
RDCReligious of Divine Compassion
RGSReligious of the Good Shepherd (Sisters)
RMIReligious of Mary Immaculate
RSCReligious Sisters of Charity
RSMSisters of Mercy
RVMReligious of the Virgin Mary
SACSisters of the Guardian Angel
SCSisters of Charity
SCServants of Charity
SCJPriests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
SDBSalesians of Saint John Bosco
SDDSocietas Domus Dei
SDVSociety of Divine Vocations (Vocationist Fathers)
SJSociety of Jesus (Jesuits)
SLSisters of Loretto
SVDSocietas Verbi Divini
SMSociety of Mary (Marianist Fathers)
SMISisters of Mary Immaculate
SMMMontfort Society of Mary (Montfort Fathers)
SNDSisters of Notre Dame
SOLMSisters of Our Lady of Mercy
SOLTSisters of Our Lady of Most Holy Trinity
SSASisters of St. Ann
SSBSisters of St. Brigid
SSCFranciscan Servants of the Sacred Heart
SSCMServants of the Holy Heart of Mary
SSMNSisters of St. Mary of Namur
SSSCongregation of the Blessed Sacrament
SUSociety of the Sisters of St. Ursula
SVPSociety of Saint Vincent de Paul
SXXaverian Missionary Fathers
VSCVincentian Sisters of Charity
WFWhite Fathers

The above is a list of the abbreviations of Roman congregations and orders that Joseph Tuan has compiled from various sources and Catholic documents. If you find any missing religious orders, please leave a comment below this post, and I will update the list. Wishing you joy and the abundant peace of the Lord.

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